The Last Namsara

The Last Namsara - Kristen Ciccarelli *I received an ARC from the publisher through Edelweiss. This does not affect my review.*

This one really grew on me. When I started it, it was kind of slow, and I wasn't completely sure what was happening, but the more I read, the more it started to make sense. And like many of the books I've read lately, this is one of those books that it's best to go in knowing next to nothing, allowing the story to unfold as you read.

The characters were well written, and I really enjoyed reading their story. Where Asha and Roa had to grow on me, I instantly liked Dax and Torwin, and Safire. I also loved the dragons and the stories. The lore is so beautiful, and entrancing.

The only thing I didn't care for was the fact that the story took about 30% to really draw me in. While I was interested before that, I was kind of meh in parts, and didn't really understand what was going on, which as I read on, made sense, but made it hard to really care for anything that happened up to that point, even though the beginning was laying the groundwork for the rest of the story.